British landlords sold nearly 132,000 properties in 2020, the smallest sell-off since 2013.
Homes are selling at the fastest pace ever recorded right now, which is pushing up average asking prices for properties.
On Wednesday 7th April, we saw a record of 9.3 million visits to Rightmove in a single day, while last month home-hunters spent more than two billion minutes on our site.
Around 7% of landlords in the UK are ‘accidental’ and never intended to let out a property. Reasons for being an accidental landlord include inheriting a property that hasn’t been sold on and being forced to let out a home that cannot be sold.
Homebuyer demand climbed in the first quarter although London remained off the pace, according to the latest Homebuyer Demand Hotspots Index from estate agent comparison site
New research shows that monthly payments for the mortgage are likely to be cheaper than rent for a comparable home – but only if the purchaser can stump up the deposit and stamp duty to begin with.
The Ministry of Justice data shows that there are approximately 21,000 landlords who have permission from the courts to evict tenants after serving Section 21 ‘no fault’ notices, but who are now stuck in limbo due to Covid.
Sales of holiday homes near the coast have surged over the past six months, with holiday let mortgages for properties in Wales almost doubling since September 2020.
When you take out your first mortgage, as with any financial product, you’ll have to go through a credit check. It’s normal to feel apprehensive about this process, as let’s face it, few of us have perfect credit.
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